• "Leadership is a process which can be transferred and learned.  Transferring that process drives the Guttman Leadership Institute."

  • "Teams of leaders trump leaderless teams -- and traditional teams of leaders/followers."

  • "Performance is not enough.  High-performance is the new must for leaders, as they move themselves and their teams to reach ever demanding goals."

  • "Assessment is about taking stock of where you are as a leader, where you have to evolve, and calibrating the gaps that must be bridged to get there."

  • "Results-based leadership development is core to Guttman Insitute programs.  If results can't be measured, who knows if the progress is real?"

  • "Accelerate, accelerate,accelerate.  Arguably, these are the three most important words for today's leaders.  Leaders must do more, quicker to stay ahead."

  • "Empowerment is a leveraging tool.  It multiplies the power of leaders by harnessing the minds, hearts, and hands of those around them."

  • "Transformation is driven by the realization that what got you here will keep you here -- and not get you much further."

CASE:  Enhancing Leadership Effectiveness CASE: Enhancing Leadership Effectiveness

A global pharmaceutical company’s U.S. business had been growing organically for a number of years. Dealing with rapid growth hadn’t left senior management much  . . .

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CASE:  Managing Conflict/Influencing CASE: Managing Conflict/Influencing

These skills are of paramount importance in today's highly complex, matrixed, and global enterprises, which makes our programs in these areas among our most popular  . . .

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CASE:  Optimizing Your Performance Management System CASE: Optimizing Your Performance Management System

A few years ago, a worldwide shipping company needed to reevaluate its performance management system. After several profitable years, employees had come to expect year-end bonuses based on their . . .

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Are You a High-Performance Leader? 

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